video & lightdesign


Heiner Goebbels
anthology of sounds and spaces, 2019

an exhibition of two sound- and video installations and one performative installation
Curated by Maria Belén Sáez de Ibarra and Santiago Gardeasábal

artistic collaboration: René Liebert

GENKO AN 111321 (Bogota 2019). 12.9.2019-29.2.2020
Landschaftsstücke /LANDSCAPE PLAYS. 12.9.2019-29.2.2020
Los peces tendrán que aprender a caminar sobre la tierra (2019) 18.9.-18.10.2019

It’s beautiful here

„It’s beautiful here, my eyes can wander, I’m alone with my thoughts, I’m not interrupted, which I would be, if I returned and joined my family.“

Los Peces tendrán que aprender a caminar sobre la tierra
performative sight-specific installation

Genko An 111321

Landschaftsstücke/Landscape Plays
Sound- and Videoinstallation