Ever get the feeling you are playing some vast and useless game to which you don’t know the goal, and can’t remember the rules? Ever get the vague dread that while you have no choice but to play the game, you can’t win it, can’t even know the score, or who keeps it? Ever suspect that you don’t even know who your real opponent might be?
Welcome to the thunderdome. Welcome to the terrordome. Welcome to the greatest game of all. Welcome to the playoffs. Malls, battle grounds, military complex.War as a pop concert, technology, icons, stars. One bomb – one target – one track. Bang – Bang.
IS EVERYBODY IN? The band begins to play: An audiovisual machine provides images, beats, apocalyptic bass heavy dubs and voices drives the prism of Deuleuzian control societies. Wittmann/zeitblom´s one hour perfomative collage about modern warfare features electro-punk-duo Cobra Killer, Schaubühne-actress Jule Böwe, Puppetmasta Blake Worrell, drummer Achim Färber and videoartist René Liebert.
Text quotes including Wark McKenzie, US Army, Texas Instruments, C.E. Shannon, W.S. Burroughs, Norbert Wiener, Ulrich Horstmann, Paul Henri Thiry d’Holbach, wittmann/zeitblom.
premiere on the 15.01.2016 as part of the festival Singing the war at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
curated by Detlef Diederichsen and Holger Schulze
realised by wittmann/zeitblom
©2016 All content and images of this website are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved to wittmann/zeitblom & René Liebert.